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Free download structure

Most importantly it contains a definition of each Work Package, which can be thought of as a mini scope statement. The WBS Dictionary contains all the details of the WBS which are necessary to successfully complete the project. Indenting each level may potentially cause the table to be too sizable to fit into a document. Although this format is more difficult to read, it may be useful where there are many levels. The hierarchal structure is similar to the outline view but without indentation. Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter.It is also a good layout to use when developing the WBS because changes can easily be made, especially since the Microsoft Word auto numbering feature updates the WBS Code automatically.

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The outline view presents an easy to view and understand layout for the WBS. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) presented in this document represents the work required to complete. In most projects, the approach to the WBS use the 8 to 80 rule, which states that the WBS should be decomposed down to a work package containing between 8 and 80 hours of work to complete. To save space in this template, WBS examples are developed to the third level only. For instance, many Project Managers include a high level WBS within the project plan, and a more detailed version as an appendix to the plan. Depending on where the WBS is placed in the project plan, a different layout may be more suitable. There are many ways to present the WBS for a project and this template provides many of the most popular layouts from which to choose.

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The objective should be to capture 100% of the work for the project. The Project Manager and project team use the WBS to develop the project schedule, resource requirements and costs. It is a tool which helps to easily communicate the work and processes involved to execute the project. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a view into the project which shows what work the project encompasses.

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